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Complaints Policy

  • CMTI does not entertain anonymous/pseudonymous complaints.
  • Proper name, address and contact phone number(s) has to be provided while making a compliant. Otherwise, no action will be taken.
  • The Complaints should have Vigilance Angle.
  • The Complaints must be brief, specific and should contain factual details / verifiable facts. If possible, documentary evidence could also be furnished along with the complaints.
  • All complaints relating to corruption, lack of integrity / fairness / transparency in dealing with CMTI have to be made in writing to

    Mr. Shanmugaraj V
    Chief Vigilance Officer, CMTI, Tumkur Road, Bengaluru 560022
    Ph No: +91-80-22188325, Mobile: +91-9449842688
    Email ID : shanmugaraj[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in

  • Complaints can also be lodged by sending an email to the above mentioned email IDby filling Vigilance Complaint Form.
  • The complaints will be acknowledged with a duly assigned number. Based on the merit of the complaints, further course of action will be taken as per the complaint policy. Nevertheless, the status of the complaints can be viewed on this portal.
  • No further complaint(s) / correspondence(s) shall be entertained on the same subject unless the complainant wishes to provide some fresh facts / evidences.
  • Time Limit for conducting investigation of complaints is as per the Guidelines of CVC.
  • In case it is found that the complaints were false and lodged with a view to harass the public servants, stern action may be taken against such complainants in accordance with the law of the land.