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Institute Profile

‘Central Manufacturing Technology Institute’, CMTI, is a Research & Development organisation focusing on providing ‘Technology Solutions’ to the manufacturing sector and assisting technological growth in the country. CMTI plays a key role in applied research, design and development (RD&D), technology forecasting, assimilation and dissemination of manufacturing technology to Indian industries.

CMTI is a registered Government of India Society, an autonomous institution under the administrative control of the Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India, governed by a Governing Council which has representation from the machine tool manufacturing and user industries, the Union Government and the Government of Karnataka. The Governing Council evolves Policies and monitors policy deployment. A Research Advisory Board (RAB), a Technical Committee with representatives from industries and academia, assists the institute on matters relating to technology advancement.

The Stakeholders of CMTI are

  • Government of India
  • Industries at large in all sectors (both private and public) – specifically manufacturing and user industries.

CMTI over  the last five decades developed Special Purpose Machines, Inspection Systems, Test Rigs for Qualification testing of products, Tooling, complex machined parts for public and private sectors. CMTI has continuously aligned its facilities and expertise with the fast changing technology in thrust areas of manufacturing to support and serve the manufacturing sector. Nanotechnology, Precision engineering, Metrology (Micro and Nano), Additive Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Vision and Image processing, Digital Design and Human Resource Development( creating ‘Industry Ready’ engineers) are the current areas of focus of the Institute.

Technology Profile:-

CMTI over the past five decades has executed multi-domain, complex projects with predominant R&D content giving technology thrust to industries. Eco-system of Pre-competitive RD&D projects has created a pool of multi-disciplined, skilled, experienced and knowledgeable human resource with an R&D inclination. Knowledge and Skill sets of scientific community are upgraded continuously to meet the challenges of manufacturing industries.

Technical manpower have been continuously updating their knowledge and expertise in emerging technologies to spread awareness, transfer knowledge and deploy advanced solutions in the manufacturing sector.

  • Product Design
  • Computer Aided Analysis
  • Computer aids in Project Simulation and Visualisation
  • Process planning
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Mechatronics
  • Control Systems
  • Sensors Technology
  • Vision System
  • Nanotechnology
  • Ultra precision engineering
  • Metrology and Calibration
  • Condition monitoring
  • Test system development

Client Profile:

CMTI has served the government, public, private sectors and organizations, evolving applied R&D solutions to complex manufacturing challenges.