- service
- Atomic Force Microscope
- Make& Model:Veeco Dimension V SPM
- For industry: Rs.3000 Per hour &Rs.1000 Per Sampling*+GST
- For academics: Rs.2000 Per hour&Rs.700 Per Sampling*+GST
Mrs. SarmisthaDhan (Scientist-C):
Email: sarmistha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188390
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Nanoindenter
- Make & Model: KLA Tencor, G200
- For industry: Rs.3100 Per hour + GST
- For academics:Rs.2100 Per hour + GST
Mrs. SarmisthaDhan (Scientist-C)
Email: sarmistha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188390
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Micro hardness Tester
- Make& Model: CLEMEX Dual MMT-X7B
- For industry: Rs.1200Per hour &Rs.800 Per Sampling* + GST
- For academics: Rs.800Per hour &Rs.500Per Sampling* + GST
Mr. Kumar Abhinav (Scientist-C)
Email: abhinav[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Make& Model: Bruker D8 Advance
- For industry: Rs.2800 Per hour + GST
- For academics: Rs.1900 Per hour + GST
Mr. Kumar Abhinav(Scientist-C)
Email: abhinav[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Optical Profiler
- Make& Model: Veeco NT9100
- For industry: Rs.2900 Per hour &Rs.600 Per Sampling* + GST
- For academics: Rs.1900 Per hour &Rs.400 Per Sampling* + GST
Mrs. Shushma D S (Technical Assistant-2)
Email: shishuma[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188385
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Confocal Microscope
- Make& Model: Olympus LEXT 4000
- For industry: Rs.2200 Per hour &Rs.600 Per Sampling* + GST
- For academics: Rs.1500 Per hour &Rs.400 Per Sampling* + GST
Mrs. Shushma D S (Technical Assistant-2)
Email: shishuma[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM):
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Raman Microscope
- Make& Model: SEKI Technotron Corp STR-300
- For industry: Rs.3500 Per hour &Rs.800 Per Sampling* + GST
- For academics: Rs.2600 Per hour &Rs.600 Per Sampling* + GST
Mr. Basavaraju Uppara (Senior Technical Assistant-2)
Email: basavaraju[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188385
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
- Make& Model: J.A. Woollam M2000X
- For industry: Rs.2200 Per hour + GST
- For academics: Rs.1500 Per hour + GST
Mr. Basavaraju Uppara (Senior Technical Assistant 2)
Email: basavaraju[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188385
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Make& Model: Agilent Technologies Cary 660
- For industry:Rs.1500 Per hour &Rs.500 Per Sampling* + GST
- For academics: Rs.1200 Per hour &Rs.400 Per Sampling* + GST
Mr. Basavaraju Uppara (Senior Technical Assistant 2)
Email: basavaraju[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188385
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Particle Size Analyzer
- Make & Model: Microtrac Blue Wave
- For industry:Rs.1500 Per hour & Rs.800 Per Sampling* (PSA Wet) + GST
- For academics: Rs.1300 Per hour & Rs.600 Per Sampling* (PSA Wet) + GST
- For industry: Rs.1100 Per hour &Rs.400 Per Sampling* (PSA Dry) + GST
- For academics: Rs.900 Per hour &Rs.300 Per Sampling* (PSA Dry) + GST
Mr. Basavaraju Uppara (Senior Technical Assistant-2)
Email: basavaraju[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188385
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Rheometer
- Make & Model: DHR 2- Waters
- For industry:Rs.1500 Per hour + GST
- For academics: Rs.1200 Per hour + GST
Mr. Kumar Abhinav(Scientist-C)
Email: abhinav[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

Equipment Details:
Make: Carl Zeiss
Model: NEON 40, Germany
Make: Oxford Instruments
Model: X Act, UK
EBSD: Make: Oxford Instruments
GIS (Gas Injection System): Make: Carl Zeiss
Micro/Nano Manipulator: Make:Kleindiek
Electron Beam Lithography: Make: Raith,
Model: Elphy Quantum
Sputter Coater:
Model: Quorum Technologies
Model: Q150T ES, UK
- Micro & nanostructures, membranes and verification
- Thin films (organic & metallic) and coating morphology, thickness, structure uniformity and compositions
- Failure Analysis- Fractography, porosity, inclusions, material homogeneity and chemistry
- Ion Microscope (Resolution upto 7 nm)
- MEMS & NEMS devices and construction details, bonding (wafer, wire, e-beam weld, seam weld, etc), packing quality, etc
- Particles and Grains (Micro & Nano) morphology, shape, size and distribution
- Concrete, glass, ceramics and geological and minerals samples
- Plastic / polymer, fibers, composites, paper and boards
- Dental & biological samples, plant samples, bio-films, etc
- Hydro-gels (vacuum compatible), paints, emulsions and delamination (peeling)
- Pharmaceuticals samples
- Corrosion evaluations
- Particulates, oil and air filter contamination analysis
- Surface contamination analysis
- Semi quantitative Elemental / chemical Mapping
- Battery analysis
- Forensic analysis: Explosive residues, gunshot residue, ballistics, trace evidence
- EBSD (Crystallographic Analysis with NIST structural Database): Data Acquisition, Phase Reflector file, Creation, Pole Figure, Phase Mapping, Phase Identification
Method of Analysis:
- Published national or international standards (like ASTM, ISO, etc)
- Laboratory developed procedures
- User defined procedures
- Scientific texts or journals
- OEM recommended methodology, etc.
- For industry: Rs. 5400 + GST
- For academics: Rs. 3800 + GST
- For industry: Rs. 7200 + GST
- For academics: Rs. 5100 + GST
- For industry: Rs. 7300 + GST
- For academics: Rs. 5200 + GST
- For industry: Rs. 5700 + GST
- For academics: Rs. 4200 + GST
Sputter Coater
- For industry: Rs. 1400 + GST
- For academics: Rs. 1000 + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

Make: FEI Model: Titan G2 60 300 TEM
Resolution: TEM: 0.2 nm @ 300 kV, STEM: 0.136 nm @ 300 kV
EDX Resolution: 136 eV
Accelerating Voltages: 60 to 300 KeV
Imaging modes: TEM, STEM-HAADF, BF, DF, EDS, Selected area diffraction, 3D Tomography
Holders: Single Tilt Holder, Double tilt Holder, Heating Holder, Cryo Holder
- Atomic Scale Imaging, and Crystallographic studies,
- Study of multi-layers and structures,
- Defect inspection in semiconductor fabrication process,& Elemental analysis
- Magnetic Particle Imaging and Analysis
- Rubber Composite and Analysis
- Metal Composites and Analysis
- Gap analysis in unconventional Welding process and its elemental Mapping
- Distribution of precious metal nanoparticles in pharmaceutical Syrup
- Crystallographic and Amorphous Behaviour of Drug Molecules
- Elemental Mapping of Different Nano clusters
Method of Analysis:
- Published national or international standards
- Laboratory developed procedures
- User defined procedures
- Scientific texts or journals
- OEM recommended methodology, etc.
- For Industry: Rs. 12200 + GST
- For Academia: Rs. 8500 + GST
- For Industry: Rs. 13500 + GST
- For Academia: Rs 9200 + GST
TEM + EDS + STEM + Diffraction
- For industry: Rs. 14800 + GST
- For Academia: Rs. 10100 + GST
TEM using Heating Holder
- For Industry: Rs. 12500 + GST
- For Academia: Rs. 8500 + GST
TEM Tomography
- For Industry: Rs. 16000 + GST
- For Academia: Rs. 11000 + GST
Charges – per Sample Basis
- For industry: Rs. 6200 + GST
- For Academia: Rs. 4200 + GST
- For industry: Rs. 6700 + GST
- For Academia: Rs. 4500 + GST
TEM + EDS + STEM + Diffraction
- For industry: Rs. 7500 + GST
- For Academia: Rs. 5000 + GST
TEM using Heating Holder
- For Industry: Rs. 6500 + GST
- .For Academia: Rs. 4500 + GST
TEM Using Cryo Holder
- For Industry: Rs. 6500 + GST
2. For Academia: Rs. 4500 + GST
Dr.Aravinda L S (Senior Technical Assistant-2)
Email: aravinda[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Centre Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Vacuum furnace
- MTIGSL-1500X-50-UL
- For industry:Rs.800 Per hour + GST
- For academics: Rs.600 Per hour + GST
Mr. Kumar Abhinav(Scientist-C)
Email: abhinav[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Centre Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Planetary Ball Mill
- Make: Fritsch, Pulverisette 7 Premium Line
- For industry= 1000 Rs/hr + GST
- For Academic = 800 Rs/hr + GST
Mr. Kumar Abhinav (Scientist-C)
Email: abhinav[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Stereo Microscope
- Make& Model: Carl Zeiss Discovery V20
- For industry: Rs.900 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.700 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Light Microscope
- Make& Model: Carl Zeiss Axio Imager M2m
- For industry: Rs.1000 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.750 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Low Speed Diamond Saw
- Make& Model: Struers Minitom
- For industry: Rs.900 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.800 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Low Speed Diamond Saw
- Make& Model: Well 3242
- For industry: Rs.1100 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.900 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Labopol5
- Make& Model: Struers
- For industry: Rs.650 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.500 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Disc Punch
- Make& Model: Gatan 659
- For industry: Rs.200 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.150 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Disc Grinder and lapping kit
- Make& Model: Gatan 623
- For industry: Rs.600 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.500 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Ultrasonic disc Cutter
- Make& Model: Gatan 601
- For industry: Rs.700 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.600 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

Equipment’s used: Dimple grinder
Make& Model: Gatan 656
- For industry: Rs.1000 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.900 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255,
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Tenupol5 Electrolytic jet polisher
- Make& Model: Struers
- For industry: Rs.1200 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.1000 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255,
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Precision Ion Polishing System
- Make& Model: Gatan 691
- For industry: Rs.1700 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.1300 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Precision Ion Polishing System
- Make& Model: Gatan 950
- For industry: Rs.1600 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.1300 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Cross Section Kit
- Make& Model: Gatan 601
- For industry: Rs.450 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.400 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Hot Plate
- Make& Model: Gatan 623
- For industry: Rs.200 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.150 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- laboforce3
- Make& Model: Struers
- For industry: Rs.600 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.500 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Sputter coater
- Make& Model: Quorum Q150T ES
- For industry: Rs.1400 Per hour + GST
- For acadamics:Rs.1000 Per hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Low speed diamond saw, Labopol5,
disc Punch, Hot plate, Disc Grinder, Dimple grinder, PIPS, Advanced plasma cleaner.
- For industry: Rs.7000 Per Sample + GST
- For academics: Rs. 6000 Per Sample + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Low speed diamond saw, Labopol5,
disc Punch, Hot plate, Disc Grinder, Dimple grinder, PIPS, Advanced plasma cleaner.
- For industry: Rs.7000 Per Sample + GST
- For academics: Rs. 6000 Per Sample + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Hot plate, Disc Grinder, Dimple
- grinder, PIPS, Advanced plasma
- For industry: Rs.4500 Per Sample + GST
- For academics: Rs. 3500 Per Sample + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255,
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Knife Maker and Ultra Microtome
- Make& Model: Leica EM KMR3/ Leica EM UC7
- For industry: Rs.2500 Per Sampling/hour + GST
- For academics: Rs.2000 Per Sampling/hour + GST
Mr. Murugan A (Scientist-C)
Email: murugan[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Umesha G M (Technical Assistant-1)
Email: umesha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188255
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Center Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243

- Micropore&Mesopore measurements,
- Surface area Analysis and pore size distribution of Metal powders, Carbon powders, Nano materials , Zeolites etc
- Types of active sites, Number of active sites, Reactivity of active sites and Stability of active sites.
Method ofAnalysis:
- Published national or international standards
- Laboratory developed procedures
- User defined procedures
- Scientific texts or journals
- OEM recommended methodology, etc.
Make: Quantachrome Model: Autosorb-iQ-MP-XR &ChemBET PULSAR
Surface area range: From 0.01m2/g
Pore size range: 3.5 to >4000 Å
BET/Mesopore Capable: (P/Po >1 x 10-3)
Micropore capable:(P/Po<10-4)
Features: Built-in Degasser Stations & Degas Cold Trap
per hour(As on April 2020)
- Industry: Rs1200 +GST
- Academia: Rs900+GST
1.Industry: Rs1100 + GST
2.Academia: Rs900 +GST
Dr.Aravinda L S (Senior Technical Assistant-2)
Email: aravinda[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188361
Mr. Prakash Vinod (Scientist-F, Centre Head – SMPM)
Email: prakashv[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Land Line: +91-80-22188243