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Precision Manufacturing and Process Engineering

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The Centre for Micro - Nano Manufacturing and Metrology focuses on services and research &development of high precision components for industrial requirements. In CMTI, work on precision engineering started in the year 1992 and in 1997 an underground building was constructed specifically for the purpose to promote the Precision engineering in the country. The building is one of its kind which had a class 1,00,000 for precision machining and an underground metrology lab with class 10,000 housed 6m below the ground with monolithic anti vibration concrete blocks maintained at 20°±0.5°C and vibration level < 0.2 µm. The department includes metrology laboratory for dimensional metrology with state of art equipments and accredited by NABL.

Presently, the C-MNTM takes up projects sponsored by Indian Industries, Industry consortiums and Government funded R&D and fabrication of high precision miniaturized micro and nano components having feature sizes in the order of lessthan one milli meter. Micro manufacturing is one of the emerging areas and CMTI has well established the facility to meet the requirement of Indian Industry.

Precision Manufacturing & Process Engineering

Precision Manufacturing & Process Engineering group is a part of the Department of Centre for Micro-Nano Manufacturing and Metrology (C-MNTM) at CMTI. Micromachining facility at CMTI with its state of the art infrastructure and expertise promotes the benefit of micromachining and ultra-precision technology for manufacture of micro-components to the Indian industries through consultancy, services and training. Precision Manufacturing & Process Engineering group focuses particularly in development of products indigenisation and fabrication services of high precision parts.


  • To offer micro machining services to the industries.
  • Develop indigenous machining technology for Micro Parts machining.
  • Research and Development to achieve excellence in micro machining technology.
  • Human Resource development in the field of micro machining.
  • Development of machining technology for import substitution components of various sectors/industries like automobile , aerospace , bio medical, defence etc.
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