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Sensors, Vision Technology

Center for Sensors, Vision Technology and Controls (C-SVTC) is focused primarily on research & development of MEMS Sensors, Machine vision, Controls and Micro-Nano Systems engineering. The Center also provides services to industries/academia in the related areas. Center is divided into four groups as in the below picture.

Activity profile of C-SVTC includes the development of

  1. Process and technology establishment for MEMS Design, Fabrication, Characterization and Packaging.
    • Integration of MEMS sensors for automation solution using data acquisition and Virtual Instrumentation
  2. Vision based solutions to industries
  3. Expertise in Drives and Controls to
    • Design & Development of stand-alone Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) which include both Hardware and Software
    • Development of Soft PLC (PC based)
    • Design and Development Embedded Controllers for Factory Automation Applications
    • Interfacing / Retrofitting of CNC/ PLC with various kinds of CNC Machine and Special Purpose Machines (SPM)
    • Consultancy in Selection of CNC Controllers for Machine Tool Applications