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Advanced Material & Characterisation

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Advanced Material and Characterisation

In this world of miniaturization, R&D in nanotechnology is getting better with the development of newer, faster, simpler and more efficient nanocharacterisation techniques.

Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI) has established centralized cutting edge nanocharacterisation, nano fabrication and nano metrology facility at the Centre for Smart Manufacturing, Precision Machine Tools & Aggregates, C-SMPM, open to all researchers.

Advance Material Characterisation lab under the Centre for Smart Manufacturing, Precision Machine Tools & Aggregates, C-SMPM, houses an array of state-of-the-art national facilities for materials characterisation. These services have been widely used by the industries, the academia & the scientists from R&D organizations apart from meeting in house R&D and characterisation requirements.

Advance material characterisation group also focuses on Equipment development for nano metrology and characterisation.

The group consists of experienced and highly dedicated scientists, professionals, technocrats and other well-known persons in the field.

Our Services:

Apart from the services, customized and innovative analysis can also be provided to ensure improved process, increase in productivity, quality control and compliance.

The following are the activities carried out by the group in the past to reveal the role of the laboratory in the field of research and development of new material or new process in various fields.

  • High resolution imaging using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy/ Focused Ion Beam (FESEM / FIB) in micro and nano scales for surface morphology and topography of the new material developed.
  • Chemical composition analysis and elemental mapping using EDX for determining the material composition, quality check and failure analysis.
  • Atomic scale imaging and crystallographic studies on the materials used for new product development using HRTEM.
  • Identification of crystalline phases, Determination of Unit cell dimensions, Residual stress measurement, Retained Austenite etc., using X-Ray Diffraction
  • Analysis of microscopic phase distribution, surface roughness, 3D topography using the scanning probe microscopy.
  • Mechanical Characterisation like hardness, elastic modulus, friction coefficient, adhesion test and fracture toughness of thin films and coatings using Nanoindentor.
  • Specific surface area of the materials with micro pore and meso pore measurements using surface area analyser.
  • Composition of material, phase identification, stress/strain, quantitative analysis of amount of material and phase transition of material using RAMAN Spectroscopy.
  • Analysis of the bonding signature, functional groups and composition of the materials using FTIR analysis.
  • Grinding of brittle - Fibrous material to micro &nano Level and blending of Metallic powder for making uniform composite material using Planetary Ball mill.
  • Development of equipment’s and its subsystems for Nano Metrology and Characterisation
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