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Academy of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AEAMT)

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The need for maximizing the availability of "Industry-Ready" engineers in the Indian manufacturing sector has been viewed as a significant gap. CMTI has initiated a project “Academy of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AEAMT)” to bridge this gap.
AEAMT is a new initiative at CMTI with the objective of generating qualified human resource in advanced technologies of manufacturing domain.
The academy would offer specially designed core technology programmes with a heavy focus on experiential learning through hands-on experiments, participation in live industry oriented R&D projects and shop floor exposure to make the participants "Industry Ready". The existing advanced manufacturing and related laboratories would form a part of the infrastructure of the Academy.
"Foster research, generation of know-how and application of knowledge and technology in the Manufacturing Sector through supply of Qualified and Trained Human Resource with an international outlook".
“Technology Generation and Practical Deployment for enabling industries to face global competition” as opposed to “Technology Acquisition and Adoption”.

  • Provide an integrated, effective and practical platform for
  • Qualified manpower development
  • Helping industries to try out technology and encourage entrepreneurial spirit
  • To foster technology generation, proving, demonstration, incubation , transfer and facilitation in absorption
  • Create facilities for teaching, training and research & development work for post-graduate studies in various fields of manufacturing technology
  • Link up with national and international colleges/universities of excellence to impart the education, maintain quality & content of curriculum and award degree certificates in post-Graduation / Doctorates
  • Provide facilities for international and national subject experts to stay, teach and conduct research projects / programmes on mutual exchange and recognition basis

Programme Approach:

  • Finishing school concept with post-graduate applied R&D focus
  • Programmes heavily supplemented with exposure to industrial environment and extensive hands-on R&D projects
  • Applied R&D projects with guidance from institute's experienced scientists utilizing the advanced manufacturing facilities and specialized laboratories at CMTI
  • Joint applied research programmes with academia and industries

Programme Streams:

  • Post Graduate certificate courses
  • Post Graduate Diploma courses
  • Post Graduate degree courses
  • M S Programmes
  • PhD Programmes
  • Short term training Programs – Scheduled, Corporate and In-House

Programmes are open to:

  • Fresh graduate engineers
  • Industry sponsored practicing engineers
  • Faculty from academia
  • M.Tech students - Identified applied research projects as part of their course curriculum
  • Post graduates who wish to pursue PhD programmes in

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