Mr. Raju V R
Scientist E
Central Manufacturing Facility (CMF)
Phone (office): +91-80-22188297
Mobile: +91-9449842695/703
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-Mail: rajuvr[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Dr. Kavithaa S
Scientist E
Materials and Metallurgy (M&M)
Phone (office): +91-80-22188201
Mobile: +91-9449842697
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-mail: kavithaa[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Venkatachalam G
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
Phone(Office): +91-80-23370573, 22188225
(Res.): +91-80-23378320
Mobile: +91-9449842694
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-mail: venkat[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Arunkumar J G
Joint Director
Product Design and Engineering (PDE)
Phone (Office): +91-80-22188232
Mobile: +91-9449842660
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-mail: arunjg[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Girish Kumar M
Scientist E
Advance Material Characterization and Noise & Vibration Testing(AMC & NVT)
Phone (Office): +91-80-22188390
Mobile: +91-9538900926
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-mail: girishkumar[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Tom Thampy
Scientist E
Aerospace System Group(AS)
Phone (Office): +91-80-22188215
Mobile: +91- 9844349805
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-mail: tomthampy[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Puran Kumar Agarwalla
Senior Chief Accounts Officer
Finance & Accounts
Phone (Office): +91-80-23371517, 22188208
Mobile: +91-9449842683
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-mail: puran[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Gopi Krishna S
Scientist D
Smart & Precision Machines & Aggregates (SPMA)
Phone (Office): +91-80-22188390
Mobile: +91-9686267268
Fax: +91-80-23370428
Email: gopi[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Narendra Reddy T
Scientist D
Smart Manufacturing Cell (SMC)
Phone (Office): +91-80-22188390
Mobile: +91-8123788113
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-mail: narendra[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Anil Kumar K
Scientist D
Academy of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing Technology(C-AEAMT)
Phone(Office): +91-80-22188266
Mobile: +91-9986107099
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-mail: aanilkumar[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mrs. Deepa R
Scientist D
Vision Technology
Phone (Office): +91-80-22188329
Mobile: +91-9449842667
Fax: +91-80-23370329
Email: deepa[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Harsha S
Scientist D
Sensor Technology Development Centre(STDC)
Phone (Office): +91-80-22188323
Mobile:+91- 9449842665 / 9008420744
Fax: +91-80-23370428
Email: harsha[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Vinod A R
Scientist D
Additive and Special Manufacturing Processes (C-ASMP)
Phone (Office): +91-80-22188349
Mobile: +91-9743196855
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-mail: vinodar[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mr. Sunil Magadum
Scientist - D
Micro Nano Manufacturing
Phone (Office): +91-80-22188391
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-Mail: sunilm[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in
Mrs. Sharmila M R
Senior Administrative Officer (SAO)
Technology Marketing & Value Addition, IPR & Legal Cell
Phone (Office): +91-80-22188341
Mobile: +91-9449842681
Fax: +91-80-23370428
E-mail: sharmila[at]cmti[dot]res[dot]in